God’s present day prophetic voice of Judgement and Salvation.

Throughout history, when God sends a prophet to His people or to the nations, His prophetic words are overwhelmingly focused on warnings and coming judgments. These warnings occur because God’s people have turned from Him, assuming He will remain silent, and have lost all fear of the Lord.

The Start

Beginning in 2015, God called and named Messenger 42 as a Judgment sign prophet and has sent him with dozens of written prophetic warnings released to the church, America, and the world. These written prophecies have been fulfilled through a worldwide pandemic in 2020, the crippling of two US Navy Destroyers, catastrophic fires, hurricanes, mass shootings, and the accelerated fall of America under President Donald Trump.


While God has fulfilled His promise of judging America, He has also exposed the church’s false prophets, and has begun to “Clean His House” as He promised He would through these events. In a season of apostasy as we are now in, rarely will God’s people willingly listen to Him, even with great prophetic signs. Therefore, God brings His judgments, to bring about repentance, because of His Grace and Mercy. [2 Peter 3:9]

Moving in Faith

All of God’s messages released through Messenger 42 are rooted in the bible and underscore it with prophetic signs for today. The very first prophetic sign God gave the world through Messenger 42 was the “DEATH CROSS”. The primary focus and purpose of God’s Messenger 42 is to always point to the Cross of Jesus Christ, The Passover Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.

God Is Not Silent

"Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?
“For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. {Amos 3:6-7}

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