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Your online resource through GOD’s Messenger 42, to provide you with accurate prophetic insight of today’s events, the season we are in and what God is calling His church to do today.

What you will Find

Through these Episodes, you will hear what GOD is doing today, His reasons, and what He cares about, His Heart. Check out the most recent Episode from Messenger 42.

Why are you here?

Through individual episodes and messages, you will discover what God is speaking , and how He is watching over His words to perform  them in this season

How messages were received

Each written prophetic message, and/or video that has been released through Messenger 42, was conveyed by the Holy Spirit either in dreams, visions, or the voice of the Holy Spirit as God's messages. Most of these prophetic words of God were received from 2014 to 2018 while Messenger 42 was in prison.

How  messages were written

The majority of prophetic messages  from God through Messenger 42, were hand written in prison, and individually hand copied and mailed via USPS to over 30 individuals in top government and church leadership. These recipients represent God's witnesses of His prophetic words to establish the legal authority He has given to His Messenger 42, and the content of the messages. The list of witnesses is provided.

How they are used today

While most of the prophecies were written from 2015 to 2018, they prophesied of events that were occurring in almost real time (which no man could know) as well as events unfolding today and in the coming days.

How the Episodes engage

Since the launch of the Messenger 42  website and  YouTube channel in 2018  through the present day, episodes (videos) and postings  draw from the extensive texts of the written M42 prophecies, and break them down into smaller and focused current day event topics. This format provides referenced biblical foundation and God's perspective and  heart for His people today.

Prophecy Archives

This is the library section of all written prophecies, both in original handwritten form scanned into PDF's, and digital PDF versions for easier reading. With the established witnesses reaching up to the White House, this section provides the evidence and proof necessary for proper examination of GOD's court case against America. This section both validates the authenticity of Messenger 42's prophecies as from GOD Himself, and that they are His words and He will hold all men accountable for how they respond to and handle them.