Twin 1946 Towers Prophecy Fulfilled in 2020

May 22, 2021    Brian Arbo

A focused review of the fulfillment of God's written prophetic warnings since 2015 that He would bring down the twin 1946 Towers in America. 

The First 1946 Tower was for America as a nation, specifically warning that the Pride of America would Fall under the presidency of Donald Trump born in 1946 and in the year of our nation's Census 2020. 

The second 1946 Tower God warned would fall would be for the Church, that Christ Himself would come to "Clean His House" (Luke 19:46), and in this not only did Christ expose all of the False prophets in the church through the Corona Virus and the Presidential election, but with the Ravi Zacharias scandal, God revealed His prophetic voice again as with Donald Trump born in 1946, so was Ravi born in 1946.

This is a short message, and one of dozens of prophetic fulfillments God Himself has revealed through His messenger 42 since 2015, with verified prophetic warnings and evidence not seen in almost 2,000 when our Lord Jesus Christ Himself walked this earth and went to the cross for our sins. 

This is the evidence of God's prophetic voice alive and active today, that exposes both the False prophets and False apostles in the church today, as well as nullifies the claims of many voices in the church today that God is Not speaking to us now. God Himself now sets the record straight for all who desire the truths of God and clearly demonstrates that "HE is Not Silent".

For more information, go to and watch more related videos on the Messenger 42 YouTube channel   

 / @messenger42  and see how God warned in great detail of the coming of Covid-19 specifically, the year He would send it, why He would send it, and how Christ is waiting on His church to open their eyes and their ears to hear what the Lord is saying to His church.