COVID-19-Lord Open Their Eyes - 2 Kings 6:17

Jan 1, 2021    Brian Arbo

*WARNING*- In this video and others in this series, you will find the Truth and many of the Liars, False prophets, False apostles and False teachers in the church will be exposed. They do NOT Want you to know these Truths!

This prophetic message is to help the church body understand Where GOD is in the midst of the current Pandemic for the church, America as a nation, Israel and the world. Currently, most ALL pastors, church and ministry leaders are blind to what GOD has been saying and what HE is doing right now. Much of this is of ignorance, but some of it is due to pastors and leaders willfully ignoring what they have been told because GOD's words and actions don't match up with their own beliefs and teachings. This is outright rebellion and sin against Christ by HIS church leaders.

This is causing most of the body of Christ to remain ignorant of what GOD is doing right now, they are spiritually blind and being led to focus on the natural, the political and are not being led by the Holy Spirit, the heart of GOD and the true Headship of the church Who is Jesus Christ. 

For Five (5) Years GOD has sent written warnings to America's church and government leaders of this Coronavirus, COVID-19, which GOD has called "Pestilence" and used the scripture of Exodus 12:23-calling this HIS "357" Destroyer". With these written warnings and the evidence of them, GOD Himself has provided the church with HIS credentials that it is HE Who is speaking and acting, as well as the credentials HE has given for HIS messenger of these warnings, not seen in modern times.

In this 40 minute video, the biblical truths and prophetic warnings along with the evidence of them and how they have now come to pass, are explored. This is part of an ongoing stream of messages being released for the church, that provides biblical and prophetic evidence that has not been seen in almost 2,000 years.

All of this information and documented evidence is available for FREE Always for all to explore at .   Daily more information is being added to the website and the messenger42 YouTube channel. With these resources, you will find the documentation and names of national public witnesses of these warnings since 2015, and you yourself can see and review 5 years worth of prophetic written and recorded warnings that reveal all of the connections to the past 5 years of America's and now the world's tragic events, and what GOD's purpose is in all of this.