
What are they and why does God use them?

Keys and PIN Codes are security devices used to authenticate and verify the authority a person claims to have, or who they claim to be. They are security and a defense against unauthorized access and fraudulent claims. But valid Keys and PIN Codes in themselves are not what is of value, they are created to protect objects of value.

The prophecies and messages God has released through His Messenger 42 are filled with details including dates, numbered bible verses, and numbers themselves as references. While the core of each message is direct and declares the full authority of Jesus Christ, these prophecies are sometimes complex and confusing to the natural man.  However, God Himself provides divine Keys and PIN Codes to protect His words, so that no man or principality can effectively forge God’s words.

A true prophet’s words, as they are God’s words, when put to the test and examined properly, add clarity to the message and reveal the true author as God Himself. [1 Cor. 14:32] False prophet’s words when put to the test, quickly fail when properly examined. [1 John 4:1] Every follower of Jesus Christ, is responsible and accountable to properly examine any person coming to them claiming to be a prophet of God [Acts 3:22-23]

As God has referred to His Messenger 42 as like “Elijah”, the “Rain-ier Man” and the “Numbers man”, these references are not for the sake of being witty, nonchalant, or irreverent. Not unlike the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, or Revelation, God has chosen to provide detailed numbers and dates, along with formulas to accompany His messages. It is this complexity that often veils the expected outcome, and once revealed, provides the prophetic evidence necessary to establish the authenticity of God Himself being the author and not a man.

God has chosen these sometimes cryptic and complex structures to accompany His Messenger 42 prophecies. This becomes the signature of God, and these are the authenticated prophetic signs He has sent through His Messenger 42. [John 4:48] However, history tells us that often God’s people, the religious leaders, have hardened their hearts toward God, and that they still refuse to listen and believe him. [Mark 8:1-12]