Mission & Mandate

The Mission...

In the Old Testament, when God’s people had turned from Him, God sent His prophets such as Moses, Elijah, Malachi, and John the Baptist to speak to His people and turn them back to Him. From the beginning, all of God’s prophets were looking forward to the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, and pointing them to the cross.

Once again, God has sent a prophet to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ and His 2nd coming to this world. God is again pointing the world to the blood atonement of the cross of Jesus Christ for our sins, by providing present day prophetic judgment signs for the world to see before the Day of the Lord and final judgment.

Though many feel that judgment warning signs such as mass shootings, hurricanes, fires and plagues are not very loving of God, it is by these means that repeatedly demonstrate God’s Grace and Mercy to shakes us and wake us, that we may escape His final judgment, by coming to the cross.

The Messenger 42 ministry exists at t­he will of God, for the purpose of glorifying the Lord God Almighty, calling all people to repentance, and­ warnings of His coming judgment. It is God Himself who has chosen to reveal these warnings through His servant that He refers to as Messenger 42. However, this man is only an instrument of God—a messenger called by God to bring these messages to all people, not for the glory or benefit of this or any man, but for the glory of God alone. [Isaiah 42:8]

God has sent His prophet, Messenger 42 with a clear mandate. Many men in this day and throughout history have shared in this work, but God has chosen this season to speak Himself and to be heard and obeyed with the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ over His church, and with the evidence of that authority as God alone can provide.


God Almighty has given His Messenger 42 many clear prophetic ministry mandates. Following are some of these mandates in three primary categories.

Mandates for The Church

Like Elijah, expose and purge the false prophets from today’s church [1 Kings 18:36-40]

To “Clean House” of those who prey on and fleece Christ’s flock {Luke 19:45-46]

Church correction and evidence of God speaking through a prophet today.

Church correction on being able to hear or not hear the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit – a lack of spiritual discernment in church leadership today.

God’s command for the church to humble itself and repent for its general state, and to come once again under the true authority of Jesus Christ [Joel 2:12 17]
Church correction in America regarding its political world view rather than a biblical world and nation view. God always remains sovereign over all. [Daniel 2:21]

Church reminder that God alone sets seasons and times, not man or satan, and that it is God who has judged America and ushered the world into the end times

Renewed focus on the required blood atonement of Jesus Christ at the cross through a worldwide pandemic. [Leviticus 17:11]

Be reconciled and restored to Christ under His authority and not man’s, to be God’s instrument for the 153 harvest by the timing and will of God and power of the Holy Spirit, not of man. [John 21:11]

The Mandate For America

Warn America, its leaders, and the church since 2015 of coming judgment upon a nation to turn back to God

Pronounce final, non-revocable judgment on the nation of America and why

To demonstrate with signs and wonders that America has become both Egypt and Babylon and will be treated the same [John 4:48]

Mercy warning to the world with the judgment and fall of America

The Mandate For Israel

Awaken Israel, and to speak to God’s people through a prophetic voice today, through signs of Old Testament prophets [Exodus 19:9]

God revealing Himself again to His people with language and events they see and understand[Exodus 12:23]

2 Peter 3:9(ESV) “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”