The Mission...
Throughout the Old Testament, when God’s people turned from Him, He raised up prophets like Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, and John the Baptist to call them back to righteousness. These messengers not only warned of the consequences of disobedience but consistently pointed toward the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Today, God has once again appointed a prophet to prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ. He is reminding the world of the blood atonement made through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the only means for the forgiveness of sins. By revealing prophetic signs of judgment in this present age, God is issuing a divine warning—urging all people to repent before the coming Day of the Lord and the final judgment.
Today, God has once again appointed a prophet to prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ. He is reminding the world of the blood atonement made through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the only means for the forgiveness of sins. By revealing prophetic signs of judgment in this present age, God is issuing a divine warning—urging all people to repent before the coming Day of the Lord and the final judgment.

While some find it difficult to reconcile God’s love with warning signs like plagues (such as COVID-19), mass shootings, hurricanes, and wildfires, these events are not expressions of cruelty but demonstrations of His grace and mercy. They serve as a wake-up call, designed to shake the world and draw people back to Him. These warnings are God’s plea for repentance, so all may turn to the cross and find redemption before it is too late.
The Messenger 42 Ministry operates under the sovereign will of God, existing to glorify the Lord Almighty, call all people to repentance, and warn of His impending judgment. It is God alone who has chosen to reveal these messages through His servant, known as Messenger 42. This servant is merely a vessel—an instrument through whom God speaks—not for personal gain or recognition, but solely for the glory of God, as declared in Isaiah 42:8: “I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols..”
Messenger 42 has been entrusted with a divine mandate from God. Though many have shared similar prophetic callings throughout history, God has specifically chosen this time to speak with undeniable authority, confirming His word through visible “Signs and Wonders” of judgment. His message is to be received and obeyed, validated by the power and evidence that only God can reveal through the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ over His church.
The Messenger 42 Ministry operates under the sovereign will of God, existing to glorify the Lord Almighty, call all people to repentance, and warn of His impending judgment. It is God alone who has chosen to reveal these messages through His servant, known as Messenger 42. This servant is merely a vessel—an instrument through whom God speaks—not for personal gain or recognition, but solely for the glory of God, as declared in Isaiah 42:8: “I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols..”
Messenger 42 has been entrusted with a divine mandate from God. Though many have shared similar prophetic callings throughout history, God has specifically chosen this time to speak with undeniable authority, confirming His word through visible “Signs and Wonders” of judgment. His message is to be received and obeyed, validated by the power and evidence that only God can reveal through the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ over His church.
God Almighty has entrusted His Messenger with 42 clear mandates for prophetic ministry. These mandates can be categorized into three primary groups, as outlined below.

Mandates for The Church
•Like Elijah, expose and purge the false prophets from today’s church [1 Kings 18:36-40]
•To “Clean House” of those who prey on and fleece Christ’s flock {Luke 19:45-46]
•Emphasize church correction and affirm the evidence of God speaking through a prophet today
•To “Clean House” of those who prey on and fleece Christ’s flock {Luke 19:45-46]
•Emphasize church correction and affirm the evidence of God speaking through a prophet today
•Address the need for church correction regarding the ability to hear or not hear the voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit, highlighting the widespread lack of spiritual discernment in today’s church leadership
•Call the church to humble itself, repent from its current condition, and return to submission under the true authority of Jesus Christ, as commanded in [Joel 2:12-17]
•Call for correction within the American church, urging a shift from a politically driven worldview to a biblical perspective on the nation and the world, emphasizing God’s supreme authority over all nations, as declared in [Daniel 2:21]
•Remind the church that God alone determines seasons and times, not man or Satan, and acknowledge that God has judged America and ushered the world into the end times
•Renew focus on the essential blood atonement of Jesus Christ at the cross, underscored through a global pandemic, as declared in [Leviticus 17:11]
•Urge reconciliation and restoration to Christ under His authority, not men, so the church can become God’s instrument for the 153 harvest, according to His timing, will, and the power of the Holy Spirit, not human effort, as illustrated in [John 21:11]
•Call the church to humble itself, repent from its current condition, and return to submission under the true authority of Jesus Christ, as commanded in [Joel 2:12-17]
•Call for correction within the American church, urging a shift from a politically driven worldview to a biblical perspective on the nation and the world, emphasizing God’s supreme authority over all nations, as declared in [Daniel 2:21]
•Remind the church that God alone determines seasons and times, not man or Satan, and acknowledge that God has judged America and ushered the world into the end times
•Renew focus on the essential blood atonement of Jesus Christ at the cross, underscored through a global pandemic, as declared in [Leviticus 17:11]
•Urge reconciliation and restoration to Christ under His authority, not men, so the church can become God’s instrument for the 153 harvest, according to His timing, will, and the power of the Holy Spirit, not human effort, as illustrated in [John 21:11]
The Mandate For America
•Since 2015, warn America, its leaders, and the church of impending judgment, calling the nation to repentance and a return to God.
•Declare the final, irreversible judgment upon the nation of America, explaining the reasons for this divine verdict.
•Demonstrate through signs and wonders that America has become both Egypt and Babylon, and will face similar judgment, as referenced in [John 4:48].
•Issue a merciful warning to the world, using the judgment and fall of America as a call to repentance.
•Declare the final, irreversible judgment upon the nation of America, explaining the reasons for this divine verdict.
•Demonstrate through signs and wonders that America has become both Egypt and Babylon, and will face similar judgment, as referenced in [John 4:48].
•Issue a merciful warning to the world, using the judgment and fall of America as a call to repentance.

The Mandate For Israel
•Awaken Israel and speak to God’s people today through a prophetic voice, validated by signs as those shown by Old Testament prophets, as declared in [Exodus 19:9]: “And the LORD said to Moses, ‘Behold, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you forever.’”
•Make God’s presence known afresh to His people, using language and events they can recognize and relate to, as illustrated in [Exodus 12:23]: “For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians, and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to enter your houses to strike you.”
•Emphasize God’s patience and His desire for repentance, as expressed in [2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)]: “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
•Make God’s presence known afresh to His people, using language and events they can recognize and relate to, as illustrated in [Exodus 12:23]: “For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians, and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to enter your houses to strike you.”
•Emphasize God’s patience and His desire for repentance, as expressed in [2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)]: “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”