M42 - US Navy vs God. Who Wins! The double ECLIPSE sign that points to the April 8, 2024 ECLIPSE!

Apr 5, 2024

These two unexplainable collisions of Two US Navy Destroyers, only 65 days apart in 2017 were NO ACCIDENT.

Both dates of these tragedies were given in warnings beforehand, in writing, to both top Government and Church leaders.

In these written warnings, God wrote to our America’s leaders the following:

“America, you deny the only God, the very One who established and blessed you since your birth, you strike His word from your schools, your buildings and you foolishly put your trust Not in God, but your wealth, military might, technology and a government that rebels against God, how will all of these save you on The Day of the Lord?”

The date of the 2nd Destroyer tragedy was the day of August 21, 2017, America’s first declared SOLAR ECLIPSE Prophetic warning. The 40 days that followed that warning, were named “Jonah’s Warning”, and America was struck with three (3) Cat 5 Hurricanes, and on the 41st day of October 1, 2017, America’s “SIN City” was struck, Las Vegas.

These events are not random, nor are they coincidences. These events along with dozens more in America since August of 2015, were warned of beforehand, in writing to top Government and church leaders. These warnings were of coming judgment upon America, and warning Christ’s church of the season that is now upon us.

In 2017, GOD marked America with a large “X”, this pointed 7 years ago to the coming Eclipse of April 8, 2024.

Beginning with these Two Destroyer prophetic events, GOD also being to warn and Mark of Worldwide Pandemic HE called HIS “357 Destroyer” Exodus 12:23.

If you would like to learn more of what GOD has warned about since 2015, what HE has done to America and the world and why, please find out more at messenger42.org.