
Nov 15, 2018    Brian Arbo

GOD’s prophetic words for the United States of America are not minced, soft or comforting. It is not God’s messenger’s ability or calling to give encouraging and pleasant words to a fallen nation that has repeatedly rebelled against God and ignored all of His warnings.

Throughout history with God’s people, when He sends His messengers with words of warnings of coming judgment unless they turn back to Him, most of the time, God’s messengers are rejected by the nation, it’s leaders and people – they are never the type of people the world would choose. Most often God’s messengers are foolish in the eyes of the people, but it is never the messenger they truly reject, it is always God Himself they reject, His words and Him alone they reject. [Luke 19:41-44]

It is widely believed and taught that the United States of America is so favored by God and critical in His ongoing plans, that it is “Too Big to Fail”, more so than even the Jews and the nation of Israel. It is believed and taught that for God to “judge” America, we as a nation are so important to God, that it cannot take place unless the world is in the final days of Tribulation, that America’s precious church will be spared from any of God’s judgement. This mindset and heart, people, is the sure sign or pure arrogance and PRIDE, and yet, God has for 3 years now declared that NOW, the PRIDE of America will fall, before the final days of 2018.

You will not find any great promising words here for America as the nation it has been for hundreds of years (242 years to be exact). That alone, with all that is communicated here by God through His messenger, has been and will be hotly and angrily disputed, debated and attempted to be discredited by the many, including in the church. But know this, that God’s word NEVER returns void; it has not these past three (3) years of prophetic warnings and so it will continue, God is NO longer SILENT. [Psalm 83:1]