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Election 2024 - GOD's Prophetic Promise for America and the church

Nov 4, 2024    Brian Arbo

Most everyone in America is watching the presidential election for a new leader to save this country. Here is inside information you have not heard in the news or on social media. We are going to share with you what God has promised for the United States, and the church in America.

God's Messenger 42 warned years ago, starting in 2015 of God's coming judgment upon the United States of America for turning from Him. With over 30 written and verifiable prophetic warnings, those prophecies foretold dozens of tragic and catastrophic events in America as absolute verifiable evidence of God Himself speaking to America.

Unlike the the hundreds of false prophets in today's churches, Messenger 42 did not promise God's blessings to America and to make America great again, did not promise or claim signs and wonders that anyone would welcome. Rather, Messenger 42 has written and issued dozens of fulfilled prophecies with signs and wonders of destruction and death. God has sent His Messenger 42 with signs and wonders like the ten plagues out of Egypt, and like the signs of Elijah, not one blessing sign.

In fact, Since 2016, God had Messenger 42 write and warn up though 2019, that He was sending the 10th plague right out of Egypt, [Exodus 12:23], to bring down the Pride of America for its rebellion, and to Shake Israel itself as He had done 3,333 years prior. This occurred in the year 2020, the year of perfect vision, in America and Israel exactly as God promised He would, and then to all corners of the earth. Interesting that America, with all of its wealth, technology, military might and medical science, was struck with this plague from God more than TEN (10) times harder than the countries of the rest of the world.

Why would, why is God doing this to America, bringing death and destruction to the Untied States of America? Because as America received God's protection and blessings since its founding for honoring and fearing God, just as ancient Israel.

God has a charge against the church in America, and Jesus Christ Himself is in the process of cleaning His house, the church. God has sent His Messenger 42 to scare the Hell out of everyone, that is, that He takes no pleasure in the death of the Wicked, rather that they would turn back to God and live.

These are not pleasant words or messages, in fact most in the church who have heard these warnings for 9 years now have both rejected these warnings and/or hid them from the rest of the church and the world. So therefore, God utters His voice before His army, and He executes His word, and it will not return void.

Link to Witnesses of the prophecies