God's Promise and Warning

God’s Promise and Warning

2/4/2017 - 1:49 pm

2/22 is The Point of Import
3/13 is KAHUNA
Isaiah 42:8-9

The Lord says, "2/19 is THE PROMISE, count 1-2-3 to 2/22- is the Point of Impact, 3/13 is KAHUNA.” Thus saith the Lord.

The Lord says, "I will restore Christ's true church through the outpouring of My Holy Spirit. I will bring down the PRIDE of America that is Babylon. I have risen up a Cyrus, his number is 88-22". Thus saith the Lord. (Isaiah 45 = Cyrus➝#45)

To America and the church of Christ, on 11/12/16, the prophetic word at God went forth declaring 11/23/16 as the day to reveal the "Hezekiah-8-11” sign (2 Kings 20:8-11), turning back time to fulfill prior prophecies. On that day, 3 linked prior prophecies were fulfilled as detailed on the 12/17/16 dated prophecy - validated as God's word. (Deut. 18:18-20) The prophecy message also gave Cyrus the #88-22. From the sign date of 11/23/16 - count 88 days to 2/19/17 - THE PROMISE - count-1-2-3- to 2/22 - The Point of Impact. From the 88th day of 2/19/17 - count - 22days (88-22) to 3/13 - KAHUNA. The Lord said on11/12/16, "Like Nineveh, I give you a deadline, repent and turn back to me with all of your heart, NOW.

On 12/17/16, the prophetic word of the Lord went forth, "Acts 1:11 and Isaiah 22:22 -1/13/17 is the KEY!" On 1/11/17 in the natural realm I was handed a large Ring, the Lord said to me, "Haggai 2:23, I make you like a Signet Ring” (Hezekiah 8-11 = 8/11/15-day #223). On 1/13/17, in the natural realm, I was handed a KEY to open a door, its # sign was 111. On 1/11/17 I was given the authority of the King of Kings, on 1/13/17, I was given the KEY and opened what none shall shut, the doors to a "New Thing” the 12/17/16 prophecy (Rev. 3:7-8). To those in the church who say, "we did not see, we do not believe," were you there when Jeremiah buried the loincloth? Yet, is it not written? Yet, did it not come to pass? (Jer. 13:1-27)

Since July 2015, 16 prophecies have gone forth and have been repeatedly fulfilled, to local and international church and business leaders, to the Speaker of the House in Wash DC, and to our nation’s Vice President, yet who listens, yet many in the church say this will not come to pass, it is not time for America. Who among you know the Lord’s plans and His time, who would give counsel to the Lord? (Amos 3:6-8).

The Lord has warned to not look to a man to save you (#88-22), but that only if he and God’s people called by His name (Romans 10:9-13) will repent and turn back to Him with all of your heart, will He heal and restore this nation.  (Psalm 121:12, Psalm 118:8).

To the church who persistently declare “Peace,” the “prophets” who speak but the Lord did not send them (Jer. 6:14, Ezekiel 13:1-16, Jer. 7:1-15), "... do you think I have come to bring peace...?” (Luke 12:49-53)

"I Am the Lord; that is My name; My glory I give to no other, nor My praise to covered idols” (Isaiah 42:8)

America - Church - REPENT!

" .. and Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more" John 8:11

In Christ’s service,

Brian R. Arbo

Ezekiel 33:1-6
Acts 20:26-27