GOD Speaks and Unmasks Coronavirus 3333

Sep 21, 2020    Brian Arbo

GOD forewarned America in great detail for 5 years of the Covid-19 Pandemic to come. God told ahead of time what it would be, exactly when it would come, and where it would strike the hardest. And GOD has told us for 5 years WHY He was sending it.

In this video, GOD presents a court case of evidence to America, the church, Israel, and the world. In this evidence, GOD Reveals Himself as He did through Elijah on Mount Carmel and through Moses in Egypt. Here, GOD proves that HE alone is GOD and there is no other, He proves that HE is NOT silent as many believe, and GOD exposes the False prophets and false teachers in today's church.

GOD through this video message, is once again revealing the truth that Blood must be shed for man's sins, that it will be either our blood each and every one of us (Romans 3:23) or it will be the blood of HIS Son Jesus Christ. This message from GOD to the entire world, is the message of Blood Atonement.

Through this message to the entire world, GOD again, in a time of Shaking America and all of the nations of the world through a worldwide Prophetic Judgement sign, Offers and shows us HIS measured discipline, again GOD shows us HIS GRACE and MERCY through the Cross of Jesus Christ, Yeshua.