GOD Speaks to The Church Leaders

Oct 10, 2020    Brian Arbo

With the revelation of the worldwide Pandemic, Covid-19, sent by GOD Himself to strike 188 nations and to bring America to its knees in GOD's judgment, GOD has revealed that HE is actively speaking to Christ's church. See the video "GOD Speaks and Unmasks Coronavirus 3333"     

However, the vast majority of the church, and mostly its pastors and leaders, are willfully ignoring GOD in what HE is saying and doing now. So now through GOD's authenticated Messenger 42, GOD speaks to all church leadership. 

We know that most often through history when GOD is truly speaking, warning and striking rebellious people, seldom will they listen until it is too late. And we know from history, that when GOD Himself came to this world in the flesh as HIS only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that it was most of the religious leaders, those who claimed to be teachers of GOD's word, that not only rejected GOD in the flesh, but sent HIM to the cross.

Now once again, almost 2,000 years later, GOD is revealing and manifesting Himself as HE has not done in almost 2,000 years, and we will now see who the True teachers and servants of the Lord are. This will be the sign for the entire church and the world to observe and note, who is truly listening to and obeying GOD, who in church leadership is truly looking to our Lord Jesus Christ as the true Head of the church, and which pastors, teachers and leaders are truly filled with and being led by the True Holy Spirit and not their own hearts.

To all church leadership, GOD IS NOT SILENT!