Back to the Future

Dec 22, 2019    Brian Arbo

"Back to the Future"

“I will turn back the Hands of Time on America” Thus saith the Lord


Four years ago, on May 13, 2015 the Lord woke me at 2:08am and told me to write down the time. Again at 4:44am the Lord woke me, told me to write down the time and then showed me in the news a train crash, train #188 – Philadelphia Eagle, 8-people killed. Video showed a survivor in the hospital holding up his cell phone with “2:08” time on it.

In prophetic warnings from the Lord God released since March 2016, the Lord has linked this #188 to the Day of Atonement, a double-edged sword of Blessings and Curses. Prophecy dated Prophecy dated 3/9/2016-Link

About a week ago the Lord kept speaking to me of this “444” sign again coming. Friday evening on December 20, 2019, as I entered the “Cascades Range” (Mt. Rainier sign, God’s prophetic Rain-Man designation, Like Elijah), my vehicle’s GPS screen and phone suddenly turned back to 4:44 pm, though the correct time was 5:44pm. Minutes earlier the correct time displayed, but now it was One (1) Hour back in time to 4:44, and minutes later the correct time displayed on my phone and car GPS screen. The Lord said to me to pay attention to the 4:44 sign, and that He again is about to ”turn back the hands of time on America, Back to the Future-Atonement”

The Lord has also pointed out to me that tomorrow we enter December 23rd, day 357, referenced repeatedly in His prophetic warnings as His “357 Destroyer” (Exodus 12:23). In August of 2017, https://storage2.(prophecy dated 8/12/2017-Link) the Lord had me release a warning to America and the church, a 40-day Jonah warning, with the solar eclipse a sign and starting countdown for 40 days for America to repent. Rather than giving me His words, God had me write the words from my heart for the first time, and that He would watch over them. My plea was that the Lord would stop the Sun and the Moon, that none would perish but that all would see and know that He alone is the One True God. God watched over those words, but His way was not my way, and what He gave America for the next 40 days ending on the Day of Atonement (September 30, 2017), and then on the 41st day of time’s up, my birthday (10/1/2017), shook America to its core, a 40 day period unlike any in America’s history, and yet most all have been blind to this and have failed to see God’s hand.

The Lord has already declared dozens of times His warnings for these past 4 years, and He has fulfilled them with dozens of events fulfilling these prophecies in America. Though few pay attention or believe, does not and never has changed what God says He will do.

On September 10, 2015 the Lord fulfilled a Prophetic sign given with a double rainbow over the New One World Trade Center, on 9/10/2015 for our Isaiah 9:10 Tower of Pride, with 9:13 given for Genesis 9:13. (Prophecies dated 8/31/2015 and 10/18/2015 link) This was an ominous warning given to America. The image for this message of a double rainbow, was taken and given while I was on Barefoot Beach on 10/20/2019. This image many people often take in a lighthearted and jovial manner, and now much of America uses this symbol of God’s “Promise” to wave in the face of God, their Prideful opposition to God to do whatever they please in violation of God’s Word and they think that God does not see, that He does not hear, and even worse, they claim that God has made them as they are and approves of what He calls an abomination. Most do not take into context what Genesis 9:13 is a result of and what it foretells of the future for rebellious and disobedient man.

America continues to raise up for itself leaders in government and celebrity voices in society to tell us that they are gods and can take innocent life that God alone creates without consequence, and that this is their “right”. America thinks God will remain silent with all of its abominations and rebellion. Much of the church teaches and believes that God has changed.

God has given me a task, a story to tell of the past 4 years outlining what God foretold and warned of, and what He did to fulfill those warnings. This story is one of blessings and curses, of Life and of Death. The bible, God’s written word, from beginning to end tells us that what He created was good, but man rebelled against God and His plan, and has made himself an enemy of God. God has said and shown that He alone will judge, and He Will Destroy all of His enemies, all of mankind that rebels against Him. But He tells us that it is not His will, not His desire that any should perish, but that all would repent of their sin and have everlasting life in and through Him, through His Son Jesus Christ, through the Cross. Yet God has given us all the free will choice to chose Life or Death. Because few believe, and few in the church teach God’s true word, God has and will demonstrate with evidence, that He has and He will destroy all of those who reject Him, all who reject the only way to life which is Jesus Christ. Exodus 12:23, God’s 357, shows us in Old Testament times, that those who are not covered by the Blood of the Lamb of God, God Himself will destroy.

This is an offensive and sobering message, but also a message of Good News. God in His great mercy will again send this message forth, that many may repent and live. I am waiting on the Lord to show me how and when to tell this story with His evidence of facts, it will be soon, and it is for America, for the church, for Israel and for the world. For now, God says that He is about to turn back the hands of time on America, Back to the Future. 88 mph, “Outatime”.

In Christ’s service alone,

Brian R. Arbo

Messenger 42