Hezekiah 8-11 Prophecy

Aug 4, 2019    Brian Arbo

Hezekiah 8-11 Prophecy

"I will turn back the Hands of Time on America” Thus saith the Lord

“And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the LORD on the third day?” And Isaiah said, “This shall be the sign to you from the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing that he has promised: shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or go back ten steps?” And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to lengthen ten steps. Rather let the shadow go back ten steps.” [2 Kings 20:8-11]


The word of the Lord came to me, “My messenger, speak these judgment words of Mine to America, that nation that I blessed abundantly, the same nation whose heart has turned against Me, the nation that has done abominable things, evil and wickedness in My eyes and dares call them Good. And speak these words of FIRE to the church whose heart has turned far from me, the church that thought they could re-make ME in their image as though I AM a god of wood or stone, one of their many idols.” Thus saith the Lord

“My messenger, five years ago on 4/14/14, I spoke to you the prophetic words, “Hezekiah 8-11” and then revealed to you 2 Kings 20:8-11. Four years ago, I the Lord God gave you the first prophetic message for you to release to leaders of your nation and your churches, for the dates of 8/8/15, count-1-2-3, 8/8 to 8/11, then 12 and the sign given on 8/11/15 was 212, boiling point for My anger against this rebellious nation. A few days later, I gave you the Hezekiah 8-11 sign to release to America, 10 days later on, 8/21/15, that I would turn back the hands of time by performing My sign on 8/21/15 date sequence. And those dates marked a sudden major drop in America’s stock market, and gave the prophetic PIN CODE of 88811, sign fulfilled” thus saith the Lord

“Now My messenger 42, tell America to remember these dates and warnings, five and four years later. As I marked 6/17/19 with the “Rain-ier” symbol and date, and I marked their Day of Independence from ME on 7/4/19 in California, tell America and the wayward church to COUNT the numbers. I the Lord God Almighty do not lie. I put My words in your mouth My messenger to release, and I the Lord God watch over them, they will never return to Me Void. Again My messenger, I send you to America like Elijah and I continue to fulfill Elijah like signs as proof. As I warned four years ago, I have removed My hand of protection from America for its rebellion as I have done previously from My disobedient children of Israel. As I told Israel that if they walk contrary to Me, “I WILL Continue to STRIKE them”, so with America, “I the Lord God will continue to STRIKE it”, I do not change. I have allowed the evil of this world to come upon this rebellious nation, and I have raised its enemies against it, I the Lord God do this.” Thus saith the Lord

“My messenger 42, tell these church leaders and teachers that lie about Me and that I have changed, and that My anger and wrath are no longer poured out against evil and wickedness, tell them for those who reject My Grace and My Mercy through My Son Jesus Christ alone, that I will expose them and I the Lord God will “Clean House” with a consuming FIRE! Tell them to read John 3:36 and James 3:1” Thus saith the Lord

“My Messenger 42, I gave you the KEY on 6/4/15, I told you on 4/20/16 that you are the KEY, now activate My KEY and release these words with the full authority of Jesus Christ. Now America, I give you a Blast to the Past, Back to the Future. I release My Destroyer against the evil who willfully reject Me, I the Lord God Almighty am No Longer Silent!” thus saith the Lord


Now I speak my words, and not the Lord’s prophetic words. America, for four years now the Lord has given me His prophetic words of warning to you, to turn back to him before it is too late, and He has fulfilled those prophetic warnings dozens of times in one disaster, one tragedy after another. But almost no one pays attention. Like Jeremiah, my frustration and sorrow is beyond description because America keeps trying to FIX itself, apart from God, like that is even possible. This nation and its leaders keep arguing over who is to blame for all of this evil, and how best to stop it. You turn to everyone and everything except God Himself. Everyone blames everyone else, but never themselves, there is no heart of responsibility or humility, no repentance.

Church, how blind you have become. So many of your teachers and leaders in the church, blame the devil for these tragedies, on the evil of this world, and you Never seek the Lord to inquire of Him and ask God, “why is all of this evil overtaking our nation and the church”, you never inquire of the Lord and ask Him, “Lord God, show us how we are in the wrong, show us our sin and rebellion that we might repent and turn back to you”.

You church leaders forcefully deny that God Himself is bringing any of this upon us for our disobedience, you deceive the flock and blind them because you have taught them a god who is not God. You read and study God’s written word, and yet see it only through the eyes of men who have taught you, and not through the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth, your teacher. For four years now I have had many in the church tell me that God no longer sends prophets to warn of judgment and tell me that I am speaking lies. Despite what God’s written word says, despite the evidence of dozens of prophecies fulfilled, you refuse to believe, and thereby reject not only God’s messenger to warn the church, but you reject God Himself.

Attention America and the church in America, despite what you are being told and what you believe, the Lord God Almighty has said as directly as possible repeatedly, that NOW he is Judging America as He has Israel in the past, and He is holding the church accountable and coming to “Clean His House”. I am not seeking or building a following, asking for money and I am not sent to please man, not any man, I am sent by the Lord God Himself to release His words to you whether you like them or receive them.

This is NOT a Test.

In Christ’s service alone,

Brian R. Arbo

Messenger 42

"I will continue to strike you" [Leviticus 26:14-33]