Jeremiah Wept!

Jun 16, 2019    Brian Arbo

Why Jeremiah Wept

The great prophet Jeremiah is often referred to as “The Weeping Prophet”. God sent him to warn God’s people that if they did not turn back to God and His ways, their city would be destroyed, their temple would be destroyed and they would be conquered and taken into captivity by Babylon whom God Himself would raise up against His own rebellious people. For over 23 years God sent Jeremiah to His people to warn them to repent and turn back.

It is said that Jeremiah wept, not because he was weak, but because the people were so wicked and hardened of heart, they would not listen to God’s words, they not only would not listen to Jeremiah, but they accused him of not speaking the true words of God, the locked him up, he was forbidden to enter the temple, the mocked him and even tried to kill him, in the end they did kill him. They did all this because they did not want to hear what God’s heart was, they refused to change as God warned them. But that did not stop God’s word, it did not stop God from carrying out His Righteous chastisement and judgment. Therefore, Jeremiah wept, because the people refused to listen, there was nothing more he could do.

I myself can understand how in that sense, how Jeremiah must have felt. He spoke all and did all that God commanded him to do, and yet the people would not listen or change. For over four years I too have written and spoke God’s prophetic warnings to America and the church, with dozens of prophecies fulfilled and verified, but it seems that almost no one will listen. If I post to social media a photo of some food or pretty trees, numerous people will Like that post and photo, and there is no harm in that, but it was a test. When I write and post and try to spread God’s prophetic word, His warnings to our nation and church, often it doesn’t even get 1 Like or share, it is not spread, it is not spoken of or prayed over. At times I too weep for I know what is now coming to our rebellious nation and a church that has largely turned far from God.

As foolish as I seem to most all, I have done as the Lord has told me to, I have written and spoken for over four years now at the Lord’s command as He sent me, from the White House to our nation’s government, church, ministry and business leaders. Let this serve as notice to all, that I have done as the Lord commanded me to do, I have tried to warn you, but few have listened. As the great Apostle Paul wrote.

“Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God” [Acts 20:26-27].

Time is Up, behold the FIRE of God himself!

~ Messenger 42~