Christmas 2018

Dec 21, 2018    Brian Arbo

"Release the Destroyer" thus saith the Lord

Espiritu Santo

God sends "America the Babylon", Elijah's Judgment - The Destroyer [Exodus 12:23]

PARADISE [Luke 23:43]

Date: December 21, 2018

Re: Exodus 12:23 ~ Count 1-2-3. The PRIDE of America to FALL, Israel to be Shaken -2 Prophetic Tornados

On November 30, 2018, the Lord woke me and said, “My Messenger, tell America once again that its days are numbered in 2018, NOW Release the Destroyer”. The Lord told me to look at the time and write this down, the time was 12:23 am, and the Lord told me “12:23 for the Destroyer, Exodus 12:23, 12/23 is December 23rd – the 357th day of the year, My 357” thus saith the Lord. - for 12/23/17-Espiritu Santo-Lord’s Voice and the 357-X-Mark- Read more-

Then the Lord told me to record what He was saying to me, which was the first time He told me to do this as previously I had no ability to record His words. After recording what the Lord was speaking to me, I looked at the recording and it was 1 minute and 23 seconds long, 1:23., and the Lord said again, “My Messenger, Count 1-2-3 for the Elijah judgment, the Rain-man, the numbers-man countdown”. Thus saith the Lord.

The Lord God Himself releases the Destroyer through His words given to his Messenger 42. Who is this Destroyer? He is Exodus 12:23 of the 10th plague in Egypt. This Destroyer of God has now struck America numerous times in the past 2-1/2 years as the Lord warned in His prophetic words released through Messenger 42. For the Angel of Death dream and prophetic events – Read more-

Where is the focus of God’s warning? It is the City of Angels, LA – area code 323 – As Sodom and Gomorrah. See Messenger 42’s dream of the Lord on 10/4/17 forewarning of the northern California fires and the City of Angels - Read more-

Messenger 42 is a prophet of the Most High God and sent by God in His words, “Like Elijah to America” (Jan 21, 2018 dated prophecy) with numerous prophetic signs and wonders to validate him as God’s true messenger. Now, if you will take the time to read what follows here, you will see “Evidence-Proof-Prophetic signs fulfilled” that validate this very bold and seemingly outrageous claim. To see the dozens of prophetic signs God has given to validate Messenger 42 -Read more-

Will you take the time to see God revealing Himself in His present-day prophetic words accompanied by “Signs and Wonders”. Will you take some time that so many spend watching TV, indulging in Social Media, watching and listening to “False Prophets and False Apostles” with messages and words they claim to be from the Lord but are not. These FALSE Leaders in the church feed you words that make you feel good and tell you what you want to hear, but they are not the Lord’s words, He did not send them; they seek your audience, your approval and your $. Who will take the time to learn the truth from God with HIS Signs and Wonders? You are accountable.

As you read on in this message along with the dozens of prophetic signs detailed on Messenger 42 website, the Lord will show you details in our recent events, recent tragedies in our nation, details that prove God’s true prophetic words, his true voice of warnings and promises. There are so many “false” words and messages going out now in the name of the Most High God from the church, expecting Jesus Christ to co-sign the words of men and women He has not sent, that He has commanded me to Call them all out for what they are, and for leading His flock astray.

This is not to say that everyone who claims to be a Prophet of God today is False, but the Lord charges that most of them in “the church” are False, and remember that the Lord God Himself will validate His True Prophets with His Signs, NOT Man’s claims. Remember the prophets of the Bible; we know we are in an age of grievous apostasy toward the Lord God, what kind of messages did the Lord send in those times past, and what should we expect from God now then, blessings for a rebellious nation and apostate church, or dire warnings?

Yes, this is a message of Elijah judgment, both against a rebellious nation that has turned from the One true God, and judgment against the “False prophets, teachers and apostles in the church”. The Lord is coming to “Clean House” with the FIRE of the Holy Spirit, Espiritu Santo, He is a consuming and refining Fire. [1 Kings 18:17-40, Acts 5:1-11]

The Lord will now show you how prophetic warnings released through His Messenger 42 beforehand, have repeatedly foretold of recent events such as the devastating California wildfires in October 2017 and 2018 in Paradise, CA, hurricanes Mathew, Harvey, Irma and the most recent hurricane He sent, Michael-The voice of an Archangel. You will see God’s prophetic warnings of the Orlando Pulse, Las Vegas, Parkland, FL shootings and recent shooting in Jacksonville, FL (8/26/18-named Elijah with Elijah’s number) as well as the Halloween 2017 NYC truck attack and much more, with details including dates, locations, names and what He would do. You will see God’s Destroyer strike America’s Navy Destroyers twice with signs and wonders to the very date and the number of fatalities. - Read more-

No, these are not the words that most of our nation or most of the church wants to hear or will acknowledge, they are not the words that will bring acceptance, applause and $ to God’s Messenger 42. However, if you have read God’s written word – the Bible, you already know that this is most often how God speaks and warns of impending judgment, and most of the time, those messengers God sends to warn are not well received, and often persecuted, not celebrated.

The focus here is not to be on Messenger 42, he is a man, a prophet of the Most High God, but he is only the messenger of the Lord God Almighty, releasing the Lord’s words, and it is the Lord God Almighty alone who has the power to watch over those words and to ensure that they do not return void. All glory is to be given to God alone. [Isaiah 42:8]

How many out there in the church actually read God’s word, believe His word and allow the Holy Spirit to lead them into understanding rather than blindly believing and following so many false teachers with what they WANT to hear. WAKE-UP Church! God is no longer Silent and He does not change.

The Lord has just revealed to me on November 20, 2018 the understanding and interpretation of 2 -Tornado dreams 4 years apart to the day (4/28/14 and 4/28/18), and the Lord says that while the danger now comes to America, so does it come to Israel as well, the 2 Tornados dreams given to 2 separate men link America and Israel. To learn of these dreams and the Lord’s warning to America and Israel -Read more-

"Behold, America's NEW 9/11 like event, the #254 Vision, 50-100 times the impact to America as 9/11/2001, 17 years later. 8-11 is the NEW 9-1-1" thus saith the Lord. - for 254 Vision-Read more-

In Christ’s service,

Brian Arbo

[Messenger 42]