6-26 Prophecy for America ~ Code ETNA

Jun 9, 2019    Brian Arbo

6-26 Prophecy for America

“America will CRASH” Thus saith the Lord

“O daughter of my people, put on sackcloth, and roll in ashes; make mourning as for an only son, most bitter lamentation, for suddenly the destroyer will come upon us..’ “ [Jeremiah 6:26]

Three days after the “6-17 Message” of the Lord came to me on June 4, 2019, the 2nd anniversary of the US navy Destroyer Fitzgerald (6/17/2017), on June 7, 2019 again the word of the Lord came to me, linking God’s 2 prophetic warning dates of 6-17 and 6-26, “My messenger, release these words of Mine to America NOW!.” These words of God are released today, June 9, 2019, on the day of Pentecost, for the FIRE of God again now comes to a rebellious America and rebellious church, as a Consuming Fire. ETNA!

“America, again I mark 6-17 for you, and now I mark 6-26 as well, 2 prophetic dates I link and mark for you America that you may know that I alone AM God, and that there is none other, and that I do not change” thus saith the Lord

“America, I told you beforehand of a “Blast to the Past” for your destroyer on 6/17/2017, I warned you and you did not listen to ME, even giving you the number 17. Then 17 of your sailors perished on your two destroyers on both dates I warned you of. Elisha asked for a double portion of My Spirit, and so 242 days from your first destroyer, 2 times Elijah’s 42, 17 of your children perished and 17 of your children were injured, verified by Israel, after I warned you with Ezekiel 9:11. Yet, America, you refuse to heed any of my warnings to you. America, I Am No joke, you are Not Me and you have exceeded My Grace period” Thus saith the Lord

“242, I mark that America, your age as a nation. Again America, read Ezekiel chapter 9. I have marked those who belong to me, who mourn with me over the abominations I see in America, and in a rebellious church. And I mark those who have evil in their hearts, your states and leaders who have set themselves against me with great hatred, refuse to repent and think that I will remain silent. No America, No church, I am no longer silent” thus saith the Lord.

“I the Lord God Almighty choose “9” days from 6/17/2019 to mark 6/26, 3-23 on the Hebrew calendar because I AM the God of Israel, for the 9 inches of Rain I sent you on your “Elijah #42 Sign” date of 2/11/2018 where my Messenger 42 was, thereby linking the “Rain-ier, Like Elijah” sign that you may know who I AM and whom My messenger 42 is in ME” Thus saith the Lord

“America, look at who you are raising up to be your leaders, they represent your “Progressive” heart, leading you further and further away from ME, against ME with all of your ungodliness, because you like it this way, this represents your heart America” Thus saith the Lord

“And to you rebellious church, you steal from My flock, you lead them astray with “your” words, doctrines and traditions, Not MY words, not My commands. And these sheep like it that way, paying your false prophets I did not send, your false apostles I have not raised, and your false teachers I did not call, You think I do not see what is done in the dark, that I cannot see into your dark and hardened hearts” Thus saith the Lord

“Rebellious America and rebellious church, for 4 years I have sent my messenger 42 with My words and warnings, he has sounded the trumpet now for 4 years and I have fulfilled dozens of prophetic signs for you, but you have not listened have you? America and wayward church, you should have listened. I now give My Messenger 42, My servant with the full authority of Jesus Christ My Son, and the full power of the Holy Spirit, My words, My message to you on the day of Pentecost, that you may know that this Consuming Fire that now comes upon you, Is MY Consuming Fire, My Destroyer” thus saith the Lord

“Oh, yes, America and church, remember June 26, 2015, 6/26/15, 4 years prior to this date I Mark with a huge “X” for you, your “Supreme Court” ruling to make it LAW in all of America your abominations before My eyes that you are PROUD of? Guess what, I did NOT forget, and if you think I do not care and that I AM okay with your abominations, well, let me say it this way to you. “Prepare to meet your God, I do Not change”. And for all My unborn children you sacrifice for your own sins, for all their blood I say this to you, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay”. Code word “ETNA”, can you hear ME now?” Thus saith the Lord

The words of Messenger 42 ~ These words of the Lord are for America as a nation, the church that represents the body of Christ, and as a sign for the nation and children of Israel that this is a sign of what time it is, “Wake up Israel”. Code word “ETNA” was given to me by the Lord on 5/15/15 in a vision noted many times previously in prophetic messages, for a new “254” event for America, 50-100 times larger than the first, day # 254 being 9/11. This code word was today given on the day of Pentecost, at 2:54 pm following the words the Lord gave to me to release to you. This is NOT a Test.

In Christ’s service alone,

Brian R. Arbo

Messenger 42