111 Key Prophecy

Jan 10, 2019    Brian Arbo

“The Lord is coming to CLEAN HOUSE, are You ready?

Luke 19:46

Date: January 10, 2019


The Twin 1946 Towers are coming down!

Mark 111, and on the 3rd Day-113 are The KEYS” thus saith the Lord [Luke 19:46]

“88” Days from 10/15/18 – Messenger 42 release date – 88 MPH – Back to the Future for America – Elijah Judgment

The last prophetic word from the Lord was released on January 1, 2019, “On the 3rd day, GOD will be glorified” thus saith the Lord. Jan 3, 2019, will be a prophetic marker “Day of the Lord”. Hebrew date 10-26, 26-Tevet-5779, 1026 - the PIN Code to open doors that cannot be shut, and to shut doors that cannot be opened. [Isaiah 22:22, Rev. 3:7-8]. 12/23/18-day #357, count 8 days and 3 days. “Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! Why would you have the day of the LORD? It is darkness, and not light,” [Amos 5:18] “

In prior warning prophecies, God marked His 357 Destroyer (Exodus 12:23) as Florida, He marked Disney, 5-7 is a New thing, 312 Azusa Street -4/9/1906 -The Fire of God – Pentecostal Movement, and the last word marked 1/3/19 as a “Prophetic Marker” for the coming Day of the Lord of Fiery judgment for America because of its turning from God. On 1/3/19 see the “Prophetic Marker” sign given. News Story – Florida, Firey Crash, 5-7, heading to Disney, Pentecost. (News Story Link). The prophetic sign from God once again is Disturbing, and is meant as a dire warning of the judgment coming to America now that few want to hear and less will believe. [Ezekiel 9]

111 and 113, the Authority and Key come from prophecy dated 2/4/17, where it stated “Acts 1:11 and Isaiah 22:22 – 1/13/17 is The KEY”, and on 1/11/17, I was handed a Ring and the Lord said to me, “Haggai 2:23 – I make you as a Signet”, and on 1/13/17, I was handed a Key to open a door and the # on it was 111.

The Lord has stated repeatedly in His warnings for 3-1/2 years released through His Messenger 42 that He will “Turn Back the Hands of Time on America – Back to the Future”. 111, 1/11/19 Marks 88 days from 10/15/18 – Messenger 42’s release date from GRACEville Work Camp (Luke 1:50 -GRACE Rain-ier sign), 88 MPH – Back to the Future Speed for America to Hit the Wall at 239 MPH and the Twin 1946 Towers of Pride to Fall.

On 5/15/18 I had a dream of the Lord that was 3 years to the date from the Lord’s “254” Dream (5/15/15), day #254 for 9/11/01 where the Lord showed a New 9/11 impact event coming to America 50-100 times larger in impact than 9/11/01 by the hand of God – Code word “Etna”. In the 5/15/18 dream, I was given a “Clear KEY Card” to a large Missile, I inserted the key, 1st activated the Missile, 2nd – I put the missile into launch sequence, and I was ready to launch the missile on count 3.

On 1/13/18, after the Lord warning America repeatedly “313-Kahuna - FIRE, 808, 1/13 and 3+8=11 (Ezekiel 38) and the Spirit of the Lord says “HI!” Rev. 3:13, on that date of 1/13/18, Hawaii (HI) – Area Code 808 -False Missile Alert at 8:08 am that lasted for 38 minutes. And The Lord warned repeatedly beforehand of “Kahuna-Kilauea-FIRE-808-Count 1-2-3”, and on 5/3/18, Day #123, Kilauea came to life, on 5/3/18-The National Day of Prayer.

All of these words are validated on https://messenger42.org website and witnessed by up to 30 top government, church and ministry and business leaders-who are all listed. For 3-1/2 years now, God has warned America of impending judgment for its rebellion against the Most High God, rejection of Him in the flesh - His Son Jesus Christ, removing Him from our children’s schools, murdering over 60 million of God’s unborn children and abominable sexual immorality worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. The times and signs meant as warnings are complete, now the Most High God, the Lord God Almighty declares beforehand by His words with all prior fulfilled prophetic warnings as confirmation that the Fall of America’s Pride is by HIS hand, not Man’s hand, and the Firey cleansing of the Church is by His hand, the FIRE of the Holy Spirit, Espiritu Santo [Acts 5:1-11] – The City of Angels, for the church’s “Business” practices and leading His flock astray [Luke 19:46, Rev. 3:7 – 3:13]

In Christ’s Service alone,

Brian R Arbo

[Messenger 42]