6-17 Prophecy

Jun 5, 2019    Brian Arbo

6-17 Prophecy for America

“I set watchmen over you, saying,

‘Pay attention to the sound of the trumpet!’

But they said, ‘We will not pay attention.’” [Jeremiah 6:17]

6/17/2019 – 2nd Prophetic Anniversary of America’s 1st Destroyer Struck

The word of the Lord came to me, “My messenger, release these words of Mine to America.”

“America, for almost four (4) years now, I have released My words of warning through my Messenger 42, who I have sent to you like Elijah with Elijah signs. I give to you America, Elijah judgment, 6-17” Thus saith the Lord

“Since July 2015 my messenger has sounded the trumpet over 30 times, with specific prophetic warnings repeatedly fulfilled in your hurricanes, Elijah Fires, repeated mass shootings, meteors, bulls killed, stock market events, and even shaking Mt. Carmel with a missile in Israel on the date I declared to you with “Elijah judgment warnings of shaking Israel”.” Thus saith the Lord

America, these words of Mine, the Lord God Almighty, have been delivered to your government and church leaders, to the White House and to every corner of your nation, to your leaders since July 2015, but you do not pay attention. I the Lord your God send My words through My messenger and I myself watch over them, and I Myself fulfill them unlike any other words sent to your nation and church in its history, in very specific, often at times violent and destructive ways, carried out often by My Destroyer. And yet America, and yet the church, pays no attention like I AM Not God, you pay no attention because you think You are in control, as though you are gods.” Thus saith the Lord

“To America and to the church, you have ignored My Messenger’s words, whom I have sent to warn you, as though he brings you the words of a man, but you have not rejected him, you have rejected Me the Lord God Almighty, the God of Israel. Make no mistake America, the church and the nation of Israel, you do not choose whom I will send to you, I Myself chose My messengers, and I have chosen a foolish man because I use the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, the weak of this world to shame the strong and because I will share My glory with no other.” Thus saith the Lord

“So what is to be done with you America, the nation that continues to rebel against me as though I do not see and I do not hear, and you think I do not care. What is to be done with you rebellious church? You have become a den of thieves and you lead My flock astray with your false doctrines, teachings and your traditions, and you permit rampant ungodliness in Christ’s church. Only a small remnant of Christ’s church remains faithful to Me.

So that no one else may speak for Me of what I have not spoken, so that there is no lack of clarity at all, again I will speak to you because your hearts are so hard toward Me and My commands, My written Word. I the Lord God Almighty, the Only God, I AM Not okay with you murdering over 60 million of My unborn children to cover your own sins. I have given you the free will to choose good or evil, and so your Pro-Choice is Pro-Sin, Pro-Murder, and I say to you PRO-Judgment! I AM Not okay with your sexual immorality and perversions, that you go against all My laws, all My commands in ways that even Sodom and Gomorrah did not consider, and you think and claim that I have changed. You not only do not Blush, but you are PROUD of your sin and try to force it upon those whom belong to me. I AM Not okay with you going after all your other gods who are not, and rising up against ME, against My word, My people and My chosen Israel.” Thus saith the Lord

“To the church, I AM not okay with all of you who do as you please, you rob My flock, you raise up prophets that are not sent by Me but by their own hearts speak words to lead astray. I AM not okay with your false apostles I have not sent, or your false teachers and your burdensome traditions. Have you so quickly forgotten Nadab and Abihu, or Ananias and Sapphira?” Thus saith the Lord

America, have you forgotten when My Destroyer struck your 2 Navy Destroyers on My warning dates of 6/17/2017 and 8/21/2017? You cannot and you will NOT stand against ME America!

To the church, I will come as a consuming Fire to purge the evil among you as I did on 4/15/19 in Paris, France, to Paradise, CA, or to Paradise, NV. (Luke 19:46) To America, you have become Babylon, your towers of Pride will fall for your rebellion against Me, My Cyrus born 1946. Yes, once again the Twin towers come down, now the Twin 1946 Towers.” Thus saith the Lord. Jeremiah 6:17


Messenger 42 words ~ America and the church, I speak to you as a prophet of the Most High God with His words, but now I speak in my words. Why has God used this 6-17 date and the “Rain-ier” sign for 3 years? He first gave it to you on 3/9/2016 for 3/23/2016 (day #83), and again on 6/3/2017 for 6/17/2017. The Lord continues to use specific dates and numbers, often combining multiple prior prophetic messages into one prophetic event with multiple prophetic fulfilments with dates, numbers, names and locations that God alone can know and orchestrate in his sovereign power and will.

God has used this “Rain-ier” symbol and sign (For Mt. Rainier/Paradise and the Rains of Elijah) for 3 years, linked to “Elijah-like” signs in America, the “Rain-man”, the “Numbers-man” prophecies through His Messenger 42. Though the Lord gives me His words to release as his prophet whom He calls Messenger 42, to America, the church and to Israel, I myself do not know exactly what the Lord will do and how He will carry out His word. Only once events take place, are the prophecies fulfilled and then are evident in the details revealed in the prior warnings and the unfolding of the prophetic events, God alone receives all the glory.

But what I can tell you with 100% certainty, is that the Lord says “He Is bringing Judgment to America”, that a New 9/11 type of event comes now to America with an impact that is 50-100 times the impact of 9/11/2001 with financial collapse and that He will “Cut-off” part of America, this by the hand of God Himself, through His own Destroyer, Exodus 12;23, His 357, (prophecy link for 3/3/2017) and that He is coming to “Clean House” in the church, this by the Holy Spirit, Espiritu Santo, as a “Consuming Fire”. And I can tell you that the Lord continually marks AC 323, LA, the City of Angels. (prophecy link for 4/2/2018)

Throughout many of the prior prophecies, God has marked the #153 repeatedly as a sign, representing both John 21:11, 153 fish, and 1 Thessalonians 5:3 – Sudden Destruction. The Lord first started with 153 on 6/2/2015 when He spoke 3 separate prophetic words, messages to me, and June 2, 2015 was day 153. Four years later to the day, years after the Lord has been marking #153 in prophecies released to our nation, June 2, 2019, day #153, Franklin Graham along with over 250 Christian leaders called on the church in America to pray for our nation’s President and our nation, to hear the voice and leading of God and to obey Him to save our nation. Now, see the first “Rain-ier” prophecy for 3/23/2016 where it quotes, “313 – If God does not judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah” – Ruth Bell Graham. Then see Billy Graham, Ruth’s husband, went home to the Lord on 2/21/2018, day #52 with “313” days left in the year. Now Franklin Graham gives the 153 sign. 3- Grahams, 3-G, where G is the 7th letter of the alphabet, “777”. (link for prophecy date 10/18/2015)

I have previously written to America of a dream of the Lord on 7/12/2016 as I walked with Donald Trump, prior to him becoming President of the United States. I walked with him alone through a gathering of many powerful and important people, on the top floor of a very high tower. As I looked out the window, I looked down on all the other high towers of the world and realized we were much higher than all other towers of the world. Then the tower began to sway and I realized that the tower was going to come down, they had built it Too High and it was going to fall, I needed to get out of there quickly, but all of the other people were not paying attention and they were not worried. When I awoke, the Lord said to me “176th floor”. The Lord marked the Fall of Pride at 176 days. (prophecy link for 4/5/2017) In the Christmas 2018 prophecy the Lord marked December 23rd, day 357 as His 357 Destroyer, 8 days left in the year for a New Thing, Mark with an X. Now, 8 days plus 168 days for 6/17/2019 is 176 days, marking the Fall of the towers of America’s Pride.

In the prior prophecies, God specifically says “LA-323 will be as Sodom and Gomorrah”. The next marker date is 6/6/2019, day #157 for “Blanco” in the prophecies. Blanco is the 223, 8/11 sign in the prophecies and the name of the poet laureate dedicating the New World Trade Center, following the words of Isaiah 9:9-10. And following 6/6 is the “6-17” sign, this will be a prophetic event for America and for the church, which God has now warned of for over 3 years. The “#57” on the fireman’s hat is one of 3 separate but related vision signs the Lord gave me in June 2015, the number 57, a Fireman’s hat, and H3 for 83, the numbers hanging off the “Rain-ier” symbol. The last prophecy the Lord released was for Easter Sunday, day #111, and on that day the Lord displayed and marked the “357”, Destroyer. Now count 57 days to 6/17.

The Lord has now given the #17, three (3) times in prophecy fulfilled dates, first our 2 Navy destroyers struck (6/17/2017 and 8/21/2017), 7 & 10 sailors killed (prophecy link for 6/3/2017) and (8/12/2017), 17 by God’s destroyer, then on 2/14/2018 (prophecy link for 1/20/2018) in Parkland, Florida, the 1-2-3 date given by God for Elijah’s Judgment from 2/11/2018 (day #42), mark their foreheads (Ezekiel 9:4, 9:11 - prophecy link for 10/26/2017), 17-killed, 17-injured, Sheriff Israel. Now 6/17/2019 is 17 days before July 4th, America’s 243rd birthday, but the Lord says 242. And it is 17 years since 9/11/2001. What is 6/17?

The Lord God himself will reveal our nation’s New 9/11 for its rebellion against Him, He alone knows how and when, and He alone will receive the Glory, and He has made sure it is declared beforehand in prophecy through His Messenger 42, so that there is no question that this is by God’s hand, He is No Longer silent! Psalm 83:1

Yes, all of these words, and numbers, dates and codes can be very confusing, and most of you ignore them because they aren’t the words you want to hear, because they don’t sound noble and pleasing like so many of the prophets you have raised up. You don’t pay attention because these words come through a man that you think could not possibly be sent by God Himself with the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, because he has no ministry platform that the world and church recognize or approve of. This foolish man God sends is the thief on the cross. [Luke 23:43-Paradise] How simple are the words that Daniel, Ezekiel or John the Revelator penned by the Holy Spirit? God will make sure that He alone receives all the glory, as only He deserves. Isaiah 42:8

In Christ’s service alone,

Brian R Arbo

~ Messenger 42~